Singing Potatoes
Saturday, 19 July 2008

What the hell is wrong with Joss Whedon?

I suppose I should have expected the turn of events in Act III of Doctor Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, given his past track record, but damn, that guy must really hate his audience.

Update: Karen has found a quote indicating that he thinks it's proof that he's a good writer when people complain about him doing it. I guess he must really need validation, since he does it in every single series.

Posted by godfrey (link)
I thought the ending was good. How could Dr. Horrible become truly horrible any other way? (There were some clues--at one point both Felicia and Neil sang "there's no happy ending".)

Mind you, I've only been told to watch all things Whedon for years, and only just started watching Buffy on But now I guess she's going to die, huh.

Well, towards the end he sings, "I'd give anything for Penny not to see" - if she did see him for what he really was, and rejected him for it, it could have led to the same end for him.

Not to mention a line like that is like a Chekhov's Gun - don't put it onstage if it's not going to be fired. If it's that important to him -- despite his earlier eagerness for her to see him in the fullness of his evil (not a joke, not a dork, not a failure) -- why cheat us out of seeing how she does react? (Not to mention her reaction to Captain Hammer's utter amorality.)

I won't spoil Buffy for you. But the musical episode (which is actually why I started watching - I expected a trainwreck, and was very pleasantly surprised) is quite a treat.

And Firefly kicked ass, though given its lifespan perhaps it should have been called Mayfly.