Singing Potatoes
Friday, 4 June 2004
Ain't technology grand?

Back in my OS/2 days, I used the native OS/2 word processor for some correspondence. A few days ago, I was wishing I'd had the foresight to save them as RTF files as well, so I could load them into OpenOffice.

I could find a small hard drive, install OS/2 on it, locate and install the NTFS IFS, do the conversions and save them out to my XP drive, but basically when it comes down to it, I'm pretty lazy. And I threw away all my small drives because I thought I'd never get any more use out of them.

Today, just out of perverse curiosity, I went searching to see if there were any OS/2 emulators out there. And the answer is: not per se, but there is a freeware X86 emulator upon which I can install the real OS/2.

I literally chortled with glee at the thought of running OS/2 in a window on my XP machine, which is a pretty stark indicator of how big a geek I am. And to think I almost threw away my install disks!

Speaking of XP, Stardock makes a nifty little taskbar thingy for XP which looks an awful lot like Mac OS X's. If only it provided a list of the icons on the desktop...

Posted by godfrey (link)