Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 8 July 2003

I have SpamPal installed on my machine, but it's almost more trouble than it's worth; it lets some spam slip through, while occasionally trapping legitimate emails, so I still have to sort through my inbox to delete spam, and sort through the spamtrap to rescue real messages. Why do I continue using it? I don't know. Inertia, perhaps.

Anyway, one spam came through tonight promising me that I could ikfjixt Cr'eate and manage [my] own we,bsite GODFREY. Yeah, there's an opportunity I just can't resist. I've always wanted one of those.

I don't know anyone who likes receiving "unsolicited commercial email". In fact, the overwhelming animosity towards spammers leaves me no doubt that if America were a true democracy, spam would have long ago been declared illegal, and anyone caught spamming would be subjected to harsh penalties.

But we live in a republic where the elected representatives (of both major parties) are beholden to corporate interests, so "we the people" have to suffer through the daily deluge of something which none of us wants.

Posted by godfrey (link)
If only we were a true democracy, like France.
Yeah, I know, but I haven't stirred that one in a while. For the record, I agree with you on all points.