Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 31 August 2004
One... MILLION... dollars!

If you like computer games, you must check out the Evil Genius demo. Build your lair, manage your henchmen and minions, and try to take over the world...

Update: This is a fun game. Even though the demo's pretty limited, the humor really shines through. It's like all those world-building conquest games (Warcraft, Starcraft, Age of Empires...) meets Austin Powers. (Actually, it's supposed to be more like Dungeon Keeper meets Austin Powers, but I've never played that one.)

Here's a screenshot of my Blofeldian avatar gloating as he's about to win the demo:

Click for full-sized gloating

More screenshots:

The game's gone to the presses, and should be out this coming month. I've never really been into the Age of Empires-like games, but I think this one might actually hold my interest.

A couple of questions spring to mind, though: when my minions kill an enemy agent, they stuff him in a body bag and drag him to the lair's freezer. Why? And whence does the mess hall get its supplies?

Posted by godfrey (link)
Grrrrrr.... come on, Aspyr, get porting!
And whence does the mess hall get its supplies?

Instead of interrogating the guy in the chair, when selecting a device, click on the counter with the mixer in the back of that mess hall.

Ok, not really, but the incident is pretty funny. > >