Singing Potatoes
Sunday, 17 September 2006
SCA Arms

Yesterday, Ginevra and I went to our first Midrealm event, which happened to be Coronation. (I am told that it wasn't originally intended to be Coronation, but was later picked as the site at which Coronation was to be held. They do things much differently than in Trimaris, apparently.)

While still in the parking lot, we ran into Grizel, who was setting up in the merchant area to sell Midrealm merchandise. After dressing, we sat with her for a while and chatted. While we were talking, a Trimarian who styles himself "Archduke" (in violation of Corpora) strolled through. We mentioned his title to her, and she said that Archduke actually falls between Count and Duke in precedence - ha! (Unfortunately, I can't find any verification of this; it looks like it actually falls between Duke and King. Oh, but that would have been awesome if it were true.)

After lunch (pretty decent fare for $4), we walked around the site to see what we could see, and ran into, er, a Midrealm Laurel whose name I've already forgotten, who introduced me to a whole bunch of other people whose names I've also forgotten. (Have I mentioned that I'm very bad at remembering names?)

Martin and Islay, the current Crown of Trimaris, and two exceptionally cool people, were visiting, and we spent some time with them (primarily with Islay) catching up on all we'd missed in the past month. We also went shopping with Martin and Islay (whose money was no good at one shop — it's good to be the King).

After more walking and talking, it was time for Court; the Crowns processed to live music, preceded by a rapier honor guard. Court itself was much faster than its Trimarian counterpart; scrolls were read as the recipients were coming up to get them; the single cheer of "Hoobah!" was given as they walked away. Grizel acted as our charming native guide, and explained which awards were given for what.

At the end of Court, Martin and Islay did a mushy thing and introduced Ginevra and me to the Court and spake many complimentary words about us. (Well, so much for being a "stealth Peer" until people got to know me for who I am rather than what. But it was very flattering.) Afterwards, we were descended upon by a knot of Laurels, all of whose names, naturally, I have already forgotten. One was very interested in gaining players for his Commedia dell'Arte, which I may look into.

We changed back into real-world clothes to go have dinner with Grizel, and said one last goodbye to Martin and Islay. Martin told me a very surprising and pleasing thing about someone, which would have been great if the person in question had actually told me in person. But you know how it is.

All in all, a very pleasant event, having met some very nice people.

Addendum: The phrase "Oh, he's much less creepy than he used to be" is strangely unreassuring.

Posted by godfrey (link)
HAHAHAH! Now I want to see how creepy he is, but not, ya know?

run this through google translator - 4th down - could have sworn I was right on that, but it has been a few months. either way it's not quite right.

and yeah it was great fun, I'll have to get that way more, you guys will have to come east more too!

Looking at the first German Wikipedia page in German, it places Erzherzog (Archduke) above Großherzog (Grand Duke), which is above Herzog (Duke).

The second one states that Erzherzog has been the title of all princes from the houses of Habsburg and Habsburg-Lothringen since 1919, but my German's too rusty to get more definitive than that, and the online translation tools don't do too well on that page.

Pity. It would have been so sweet if all this time he'd been calling himself by a lower rank than he actually had, in attempt to elevate himself above his station...

All these germanic words sound like demonic titles. Well, I guess the derivitive language has something to do with that.

I got an email from Islay telling me she was up there and saw you guys. I bet that was a pleasant surprise! No Peerage meeting to submerge you right into the funk?
Our last meeting had a lot of beer. It was very, very nice.
It was great seeing Martin and Islay again. She caught us up on all the, er, interesting news from home. And we had a chat with the Society Media Liaison, which was interesting in itself.

No Peerage meeting at the event. I'm really curious to see how they do things here, but I've been told that where you sit in the meeting is a political statement in and of itself. <stimpy>Oh, joy!</stimpy> Maybe I should start stocking up on the beer now...

Where you sit? Holy crap! Sounds like a Pelican's Circle to me. Try the first meeting sans beer just for fun.
Martin got free trim - tee hee!