Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 25 May 2005
Problem solved!
Cup of Rum

A short time ago, I started having trouble sending email. I could send a message if it had one or two lines in it, but anything more than that and it would just hang there until the SMTP connection timed out. I thought it might be Eudora, my email program, so I downloaded and installed the latest version and it did the same thing: "connection aborted due to timeout or other failure".

Then I tried telnetting in to my SMTP server and pasting an email message into the session. Same thing: really short messages, no problem. Longer messages, the session timed out after I hit the old crlf/period/crlf to send the message.

Tonight, I upgraded Karen's computer, as it would no longer boot due to memory errors. She immediately began experiencing the same problem — which started for me around the time I upgraded my own system. Same CPU (Athlon64 3200+), same motherboard (ABIT NF8; nVidia nForce3 chipset). I went hunting, and eventually found a fix. The problem seems to stem from the onboard NIC — it's a gigabit network adapter, and we're on a 100-base-T LAN. I made the following changes to the adapter configuration (Advanced tab):

  • Checksum Offload: Disabled
  • IEEE802.1P Support: Disabled
  • Segmentation Offload: Disabled
  • Speed/duplex settings: Autonegotiate for 100FD

Suddenly, no more trouble sending email! Hurrah!

I record the experience here, with a few more useful keywords in the description of the problem, in hopes that it may aid some other hapless soul desperately Googling for a solution. So, anyone looking for "Can't send email", or "email times out while sending", try giving this a shot.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Does this have anything to do with e-mail offers to enlarge my penis? :)
Oh, man and I was just teasing Karen in her blog about it being an AMD problem. :-)

That's weird that the Gigabit protocols only seemed to affect the email.
Come to think of it, I had been complaining about the slowness of the Web recently, though Karen hadn't seemed to have a problem.

I came across the solution on a gaming forum, but since I haven't gamed online since before I upgraded, I hadn't noticed anything in that regard.
