Singing Potatoes
Friday, 21 January 2005
What the hell is going on?
Cup of Rum

Over the last few weeks I've written entry after entry for my blog, and comment after comment on other people's LiveJournals, only to decide once they're done that it's not worth posting them.

Once upon a time, I'd just spew any old thing that was in my mind up onto the Intarweb... and now, not so much.

Posted by godfrey (link)
How sad. Your spewing was such a nice, concise read.
Hmm, I blame the internet... wait, no... I blame SpongeBob Squarepants boxers. Oh, that reminds me of Hash, are you going to visit middle Florida and pay MegaCon a visit this year?
Yeah, I was planning on making the trip again; I had a lot of fun, despite the DragonBall morons.

And you?

(I don't know if you saw Martin's request for demonstrators; I've been wracking my brain trying to think of something I could demo, since most of the stuff I do tends to take a while.)