Singing Potatoes
Monday, 7 February 2005
...and a less distressing product

Right behind where I work is a little strip mall. There's a Big Lots, a couple of furniture stores, a Chinese restaurant, a library branch, a bunch of other stores, and an "Oriental Market". It's a good sized store, and I went in just on a lark to see if I could find something. I did.


Incredibly bad for me, but at $2.75 for a bag of 12 packets, I had to buy it; Thai tea is Nature's most perfect drink. And even if this particular brand sucks, I'm only out $2.75.

Also in the strip mall was a storefront with no name. The windows were papered over, but people were going in and out at a pretty regular pace. There was a small wooden sign in the corner of one window which read "CASA", and in the windows to either side of the door was a logo: a blue triangle inside a blue-bordered white circle. I haven't been able to find any clues to the meaning of that logo on the Internet (apart from as a religious symbol on Babylon 5), even after looking in the US trademark database. My interest is most definitely piqued.

Posted by godfrey (link)
A nice lazy search has a nice long list of Acronyms, but the religious B5 idea sounds most fun.;jsessionid=3d2ocatsjt0aq?tname=casa-1&sbid=lc03b
This could be a group of wacky fans that are praying for J. Michael Straczynski and his writing skill to save Star Trek.
Well, it could be, but they didn't look much like SF fans...

How does the instant Thai tea taste?
I am also curious about the instant tea. I LOOOVE Thai tea, and if there is acceptable instant, I am gonna keep some in my desk at work to improve bad work days.

The mysterious symbol & acronym are suspiciously similar to those for [whatever]Anonymous. All you need to do is think ofan addiction that can be abreviated CAS.
I'm a Thai iced coffee junkie from way back. Is the tea as addictive? BTW, we need to catch lunch sometime. We don't work that far apart.
Lisa: Not sure yet. I'm going to try it tonight.

AC: Thanks, I'll have to see what I can come up with. (Creative Anachronism Survivors Anonymous?)

blindleadsblind: Well, I'm not really much of an iced tea fan — but I can't get enough Thai iced tea. Definitely gotta do lunch.

Mmmmmm...Thai iced coffee...
CASA, in this county, is an agency that supports battered and abused women and their children. It tipically has darkened windows, etc. in order to maintain the priveacy and safety of the clients. Often, CASA will set up vocational training centers, etc. where women can get advice for job interviews, hook up with the department of children and families, support groups, etc.

This may be the Tally branch of the same agency.
Well, it's not at either of the the addresses listed for the Tallahassee branches, and the logo definitely looks nothing like anything on the CASA Web site(s).