Singing Potatoes
Friday, 31 May 2002

After all the trouble I'd had with my order from Mars, I decided to cancel the order and just see what the local store had in stock. I ended up paying a little more than I would have for the one I'd ordered, but I got a really good deal, and ended up with a much better instrument as well.

I had ordered a Squier P-Bass Special 5-string electric bass guitar — a cheap entry-level instrument. I walked away with an ESP LTD B-205 5-string instead, which I got at a shockingly low price because (a) the model had been discontinued, and (b) it was a floor display model, and they couldn't find the box, the warranty registration card, or anything else that had come with it.

From reading reviews, it's apparently considered a lighter-weight bass. My left shoulder finds that surprising, but since it doesn't have much experience with supporting bass guitars, I'm not paying much attention to its opinion.

Posted by godfrey (link)