Singing Potatoes
Monday, 26 August 2002

No, this entry isn't about the Gerry Anderson film that started my life-long love of backwards clocks. Something truly frightening arrived in the office mail today.

It's a catalog called MyTwinn, and it's selling dolls. But not just any dolls, no — you send them a photograph and measurements of your little girl, and a wad of money, and they'll send you back a doll replica of your child, with two sets of matching clothes (one for your child, one for the doll).

As if children aren't self-centered enough these days, now we can give little Suzy her very own copy of herself. No more will she have to tax her brain by play-acting Barbie or Skipper; she can play-act herself and bypass all that tedious imagination!

Posted by godfrey (link)