Singing Potatoes
Sunday, 9 February 2003

Karen and I caught the cast of The Simpsons on Inside the Actors Studio last night, and while it was certainly a treat, I was rather disappointed at some of the choices they made.

For example, they spent far too much time playing clips from the actors' favorite episodes. Did we really need to see the entire scene of Monty Burns eating the three-eyed fish? With six guests, you'd think there would be enough to talk about without wasting time on clips.

As the actors spoke in character, they blotted out the screen with more visuals from the show, only rarely showing the actual actors speaking. We never got to see Julie Kavner speaking as Marge, for example — they showed cartoon clips the entire time.

And when it came to the "Questionnaire" portion, I didn't really care to hear the characters' responses! I like learning what makes the actors tick.

Oh, well. At least it was something, and it was interesting hearing the actors speak in their own voices. Tangent: Dan Castellaneta reminds me of Armin Shimerman.

Posted by godfrey (link)
That reminds me of when they had Michael Myers on that show, in a 2-hr special, and the host kept making him answer questions as his characters. Myers was visibly annoyed that he couldn't be interviewed as himself, and it was almost uncomfortable to watch that part.
Zoinks. I wrote this entry this morning, and by 7:41 PM it was already getting hits from Google searches. That's some damn fast indexing.

James Lipton = sucky interviewer. I'm glad McBain shot him!