Singing Potatoes
Friday, 10 October 2003

Downloading the stable release of 1.1 for the office right now. Scored some major points with the boss with that one; we're starting to get requests for transcripts in Microsoft Word format instead of plain ASCII, and since OOo can read/write Word documents (and PowerPoint, and Excel) and doesn't cost anything, El Jefe is happy he doesn't have to shell out the cash for MS Office.

63.6 megabytes over an ISDN line... this'll take a while. It almost makes me wonder how the Apple ][ could manage to fit a word processor into 32K and still have memory for the actual document — but then I remember that it didn't support things like fonts, or spellcheck, or lower-case letters...

Still, I'm glad it's ISDN at the office and broadband at home, instead of the other way around. That would just suck.

Posted by godfrey (link)