Singing Potatoes
Sunday, 24 July 2005
God Bless Oceania!
Oceania Flag

Good old Doublethink in action:

Our government has insisted that the Geneva Convention does not apply to our treatment of detained "enemy combatants" at Abu Ghraib. Yet when ordered to release more photographs of Abu Ghraib, they refused on the grounds that it would violate the Geneva convention.

So if I've got this straight, the Geneva Convention doesn't apply if it would hinder the government from doing exactly what it wants, but it does apply if it'll help keep the public from seeing the results of what it claims was perfectly legal anyway. Orwell would be so proud.

The only thing that makes me sadder than the fact that our government thinks the citizens of the United States of America are stupid enough to buy this argument is that there's undoubtedly a large number of people willing to shut off their brains and defend it. Ignorance Is Strength.

Posted by godfrey (link)
I'm beyond being appalled by what this administration does anymore. I commit all my rage of frustration to the American people now, who either don't give a damn, or think everything is for our safety, so we can fight the dirty terrorists.
you don't like it, you can both get the fuck out...we don't need assholes like you here...
Yup... Ignorance is Strength.

I have to admire Anonymous Coward's determination and tenacity in overcoming their handicap. Heaven knows it must be difficult to flag wave when your knuckles drag on the ground.
good old newspeak
the resistance brothers. think of our boys on the malabar front
power is not a means it is an end.