Singing Potatoes
Friday, 22 August 2003
Re: Application

Since coming to work this morning, I've had an average of six copies of the Win32.Sobig.F worm hit my mailbox every hour. And apparently that's not even a lot, compared to what some people are getting.

Okay, we've had email worms plaguing us for how many years now? Apparently, there are a LOT of people who just don't get the picture, because these things wouldn't spread if people didn't open the smegging attachments.

So I think we should implement public executions of certain Internet menaces, to deter others from following in their footsteps:

  1. Spammers: Death by Viagra. Dose 'em up until no more blood reaches their brains.
  2. Nigerian scammers: Death by being crushed under a metric ton of CAPS LOCK keys.
  3. Virus/worm writers: Death by Ebola virus or flesh-eating worms, whichever is applicable.
  4. People who open infected email attachments: Death by beating over the head with a clue-by-four.

Perhaps it would also scare other groups into submission, like the idiots who insist on forwarding those damned chain letters about Congress getting ready to tax email and "Life in the 1500s".

Posted by godfrey (link)