Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 11 November 2004

Oh. My. GAWD.

Over the years, I've been collecting the best instrument sounds I've found on the 'Net, and compiling them into a soundfont for when I want to compose music without actually having (or renting) the genuine instruments. And it sounds fairly decent, for coming primarily from freeware sounds (plus a few that came with Finale).

But after having seen it recommended frequently on the SONAR forum, I finally gave a listen to some of the demo samples for the Garritan Personal Orchestra.

Insert your favorite obscenity-laden expression of astonishment here! This thing sounds better than some of the instrument libraries that cost thousands of dollars. I mean, listen to this clarinet! Sampled clarinets never sound quite real. Or so I used to think.

I must have it.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Yes, but do you have the barfing sounds like Ferris Bueller had on his keyboard?

And it works for OS X too!

I think your sample sounds like Disney World music. And I mean that in a good way; I love Disney so that's awesome!
Well, I'm glad you like it!

It was intended to be a parody of the "One foot in front of the other" song from the Rankin-Bass Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer show. The lyrics were to begin with "If you kick everyone in the jibblies", and then go downhill from there.