Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 29 August 2001

Hooray, I can now edit and delete entries. I no longer have to live in fear of making a spelling mistake and being unable to correct it.

Now if only my Webhosting service would get on the ball. Two days ago, this was a fast Web site; now it sometimes takes up to 20 seconds for the server to start transmitting data once a connection is established.

Gee, this is a fascinating entry, isn't it? I'll liven it up with a joke from the 1500s:

A man that was right jealous on his wife, dreamed
on a night as he lay abed with her & slept,
that the Devil appeared unto him and said: Wouldst
thou not be glad, that I should put thee in surety
of thy wife? Yes, said he. Hold, said the Devil,
as long as thou hast this ring upon thy finger,
no man shall make thee cuckold. The man was
glad thereof, and when he awaked, he found
his finger in his wife's arse.
Posted by godfrey (link)