Singing Potatoes
Sunday, 18 September 2005
Return of the Soap Opera
It Stinks!

This weekend, Soap Opera played at the DC Shorts Film Festival. Squelch, the driving force behind it, and the guy who did all the hard work, tells about the premiere.

I'm ecstatic to have been a part of this film, even if just a small part. While Duck Sauce was amazing for a film thrown together in just over 48 hours, Soap Opera is one that really looks (and, if I may be so bold, sounds) like a professional piece, especially when seen at full video resolution and audio quality.

While Googling to see if there were any reviews of Soap Opera yet, I came across the blog of one of the judges for DC Shorts, who had some nice things to say.

So... Cleveland. Late March. Can't wait!

Posted by godfrey (link)
"All" the hard work, oh please. Like you didn't go above and beyond the call of duty on the soundtrack--and I didn't even let you keep the copyright!