Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 30 September 2003

An open letter to the person whose car was adorned with a "Jesus fish" and a whole array of Jesus-oriented bumper stickers, including "WWJD?":

For some reason, I can't seem to find where Jesus taught, either by words or by example, If thou seest someone in front of thee who signalleth his desire to enter thy lane of travel, speed thou up until thou art next to him; and then match his speed, that he cannot enter the lane except he doth slow down and try again behind thee.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Jesus talks to them privately. BTW, I still prefer my own slogan, WWJWD - What Would Joe Walsh Do, which is of course, get drunk and smash my shit.
I want a custom liscense plate frame that says "WWMD: What Would Martha Do?"

Because, like, Martha Stewart kicks crafty ass. ;)
Crazy Christian drivers...

I refuse to put a Jesus fish or any other similar article on my car because I do have the capacity to do stupid things while driving and I don't want to perpetuate the stereotype.
It struck me today that perhaps "WWJD" doesn't mean that the guy thinks Jesus would drive that way. Rather, perhaps he's hoping that other drivers will forgive his rude behavior after asking themselves, "What would Jesus do if some jerk cut him off on the road?"

If that's the case, then woe unto him, 'cause Jesus got cranky every once in a while...