Singing Potatoes
Friday, 18 March 2005
It's a good thing they're sold out...
Spike Jones 1

The retro geek in me wants one of these Nixie tube wristwatches. I don't know why, but I love Nixie tubes; my second-favorite elevators in downtown Tampa were the ones which used them to display the floor numbers (my favorite was the one with tooled-leather doors, in the Tampa Theatre building). A watch along these lines would have looked perfect in the movie Brazil. But $500 for a plastic watch? That's just a little steep for me, even with Nixies.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Yes, it's a very good thing they're sold out! For a variety of reasons.
Okay... number one, I won't spend that much money on a watch. So what are the other reasons?

replied privately! :P
Dang married couples on the web, insisting on their privacy!