Singing Potatoes
Sunday, 10 September 2006
Spike Jones 1
  • They love frozen custard in this town. Frozen custard shops, frozen custard stands, drive-through frozen custard, frozen custard cafes with free wireless... I'd never even heard of frozen custard before I moved here.
  • The electric bill, if you discount the deposit, was about 1/4 what we were paying in Florida. Part of that, of course, was that the AC doesn't have to be running 24/7. Also, milk is about $1.50 per gallon, and gas is around $2.50.
  • I need to weatherstrip the basement windows, because crickets keep squeezing in. They are driving me INSANE.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Frozen custard is a recent fad, but mostly midwestern/northeast. Around here we have some places (I can't think or more than a handfull) but we're more a "gaeter's" area - that is good ice cream more than frozen custard.

well you'll have that bill back up when winter hits. Start runnign through the thirft shops now to get a start on some winter clothes.

I'll see you on saturday! The man gave me the A_OK!
We used to go to Pautler's frozen custard when we were kids in Buffalo. Basically, it's what all Dairy Queen's serve.
Jen's right about winter; the heating bills will start hitting pretty soon.