Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 26 April 2005
Hash Bash, Day One
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Whatever I expected of this trip, Monday was not it. We all met up at the Hash office — a converted Presbyterian church — I was introduced to everyone whose names I'm familiar with, but then (since I was introduced to everybody at once) promptly forgot which names belonged to which faces. Got to hear a presentation from Martin Hash, founder and president of Hash, Inc., on the super-sekrit Hash Project. Is it a secret? I don't recall. Best not to mention specifics, just in case.

Then we loaded up into two vans and took off for Ape Cave, a 2.5-mile-long lava tunnel in a mountain near Vancouver. Along the way, the van I was riding in got sideswiped by a trucker who wasn't even looking where he was going. He said he didn't see us — but how he missed a leopard-print van I'll never know.

So we got to the mountain, hiked up two miles and then went down into the lava tunnel.

Click to enlarge
(click to enlarge)

All told we walked a bit over three miles inside the cave — really neat stuff, though I learned it's not wise to concentrate on watching the ground if you don't want to walk smack into a low-hanging rock shelf. D'oh. No bats, no bugs, no crawling things, just cold wet dripping stone. There were a few drops — including one which the "natives" said was eight feet — and big piles of boulders and loose rocks we had to clamber over. I'm sure my legs will be stiff in the morning, but it was worth it.

Click to enlarge

Had dinner and then went to Martin's huge house. Martin loves balconies. He had four or five that he showed us, and then we went up on the roof, where he plans to build another. And he's got all the toys: pool table, foosball table, table tennis table... all he was missing was the air hockey.

We sat around and chatted for a while, then did "show and tell", where people showed off some of the non-Animation:Master things they'd done. I didn't have my laptop with me — we'd locked them in the Hash office before going to Ape Cave — so I hooked my PDA up to Martin's stereo and played a couple of my songs. I was gratified that they laughed at The Day The Clowns Went Berserk.

Then they drove us back to the Hash offices, whereupon Zach and I drove back to the hotel and blogged like geeks before turning in for the night. I think tomorrow we'll be rappelling down into the caldera of Mount St. Helens, so I definitely need my sleep.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Caption for the pic of Martin on his balcony - "I'm Martin Hash - the king of the world!"

Hash's stock has gone up in my eyes now that I know about the leopard print van!
Other caption for same pic - "I once caught a fish - this big!"

I slay me.
He looks like he's going to fall. I'm sort of relieved to learn his only weird quark is building balconies.

That cave trip seemed fun. Unless his original plan was to lead the group into those caves and leave them there until promising to upgrade for life?

His neighbors must love him. "That Hash fellow is on the roof again, he's building another baloncy... oh, look honey, he has a group with him... he's staring a cult!"

Also, I'm shocked at the lack of men in Indiana Jones hats.
What exactly are you doing up there? Climbing mountains and/or rendering software - I'm confused.
Apparently, they're trying to weed out the weak users.

"I'm sort of relieved to learn his only weird quirk is building balconies."

Ha, ha ha... ha...
