Singing Potatoes
Monday, 27 August 2001
What the hell am I doing?

This blog is a frightening experiment for me. The vast majority of my site consists of transcriptions of documents written by other people. There's very little of me on my site, comparatively speaking.

I have a fierce desire to be a writer. I've tried many times, but what seems acceptable as I write it is embarrassing by the light of the next day. Because of that, I've erased 99.9% of the fiction I've tried to write, and the other 0.1% is still too embarrassing to let anybody read.

Perhaps this blog thing can address both problems.

I've often dreamed of trying my hand at screenwriting. No matter how embarrassing I think my writing is when I go back and read it, it can't possibly be worse than some of the steaming piles of crap that pass for movies in Hollywood.

That's not to say that everything coming out of Hollywood is crap -- though it is somewhat disheartening to see fresh, original films set up to fail by studios who distribute them without even a token attempt at advertising them, simply because the films don't pander to the lowest common denominator.

But thanks to the magic of multiple-language tracks on DVDs, I've discovered that most American movies seem far more intellectual if I watch them in French, with English subtitles. C'est vrai!

Posted by godfrey (link)