Singing Potatoes
Monday, 2 August 2004

Well, we're finally moved. (More or less; there's about three carloads of stuff back in Tampa that still have to be shuttled, but we're out of the house.)

I've got to say, moving is a whole lot easier when you don't care whether or not you get your security deposit back. But we did — a thousand dollars was at stake, and that's a whole month's buffer zone on rent and utility bills. So we scrubbed and wiped and mopped and cleaned until ten at night. The kitchen took the longest, but we left it sparkling.

After cleaning, before mopping

As an aside, ever since we moved into the house, we struggled with the stove; the burners wouldn't stay level, and half of them didn't work. Because I didn't really want to scrub the burner trays clean when we moved out, I spent $11 on a new set. And discovered that when you have trays that actually fit the stove, the burners stay level and they all work.

Once finished, Karen wanted to drive the four and a half hours to Tallahassee, even though she'd gotten up at 3:30 AM and worked the whole day through. I eventually convinced her to take advantage of Sev & Lisa's offer to let us crash at their place. Hooray Sev & Lisa!

A final breakfast with our friends, and we were on our way. Which was full of blinding rain practically the entire time. But we finally made it, lugged stuff in and then went to bed. Or at least Karen did; since our VCR was a casualty of the move (a container of cat food opened in the trunk, and got inside the tape slot), I couldn't tape Farscape and managed to stay up long enough to watch it.

Today we went shopping for essential things, mainly ways to increase our storage space, such as shelving units. I also bought some wall hooks for the guitars, since they take up a lot of room on floor stands. Unfortunately, the hooks aren't long enough to hang the lutes as well.

I need MORE guitars! There's still room on the wall!

Tomorrow, back to Tampa to pick up a carload of stuff. I still don't know where we're going to put everything...

Posted by godfrey (link)