Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 15 May 2007
Mona Lisa
Steamboat Willie

It's a poor carpenter who blames his tools, the saying goes. And I guess it's hard to gainsay that sentiment after you've seen the Mona Lisa recreated in MS Paint.

Update: Actually, there's a lot of stuff like that on YouTube if you search for speed painting. The ones by Nico Di Mattia are phenomenal.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Why is this dated Dec 5 2006?
Shut up, that's why.

But seriously, for some reason when I upgraded PHP and MySQL on the Web server, the blog dates started appearing screwy. They're correct in the database, I just haven't figured out why they're displaying wrong.
Um, you probably forgot, but you're not supposed to say "shut up" to me :)