Singing Potatoes
Monday, 16 December 2002

I see this sort of thing from time to time, and I honestly don't understand it:

[...] and ignore my grammer, i cant be bothered to put good grammar on a forum, its not an essay, im just making points.

This just blows my mind. If one knows how to write with proper grammar (or spelling, or punctuation), why on earth would one make a conscious choice not to do so?

The above quote was taken from a discussion that has already been viewed by several thousand people in just a few hours — as is normal for that site. Why would one, knowing that fact, "not be bothered" to write well, choosing instead to look like a poorly-educated buffoon in front of all those people, simply because it's not being graded in school?

Posted by godfrey (link)
All your base are belong to us!
That's when you highlight the mistakes, correct them and write "Ignore my competence, I can't be bothered to write in moronese, I'm just making points."

French geek side note: it's apparent he's not writing an essay, since that's comes from the French verb 'essayer' meaning 'to try'.
That was a Metafilter quote I bet! MWA HA HA!

Someone should really write an essay on how good grammar is somehow seen as an elitist thing in modern-day America (don't look at me).
Pretty close; it was from Fark.

I'd love to read that essay.
