Singing Potatoes
Friday, 15 November 2002
Mr. Sulu! Ahead... full... SAIL!

For years, there's been a tantalizing fragment of a broadside ballad, its title known only from a scrap of paper used to bind a book in the seventeenth century.

A couple of years ago, a complete copy of the ballad was found; the only known surviving copy. Its title is amusing, at least to a Star Trek geek such as myself:

Englands Honour Revived by the Valiant Exploytes of Captaine Kirke

Posted by godfrey (link)
Canada has it's own cultural heritage?

Only joking. I like Canadians, eh? Except for some of those Peppers.
So are the French Klingons or Romulans?
<worf> They have no honor. Therefore they are obviously Romulans. </worf>

I only said that to make Severin laugh.

Karen, you're falling down on the job! I expected you to make a comment about "Thus our valient Captaine Kirk, Did the French men soundly jerk"...

Sorry, I didn't have time to check out the lyrics. Too bad, that one cracked me up! But then, I'm easilly amused.
Hey Godfrey, you tell me that the rhymes that sound forced in English poetry/song are because the pronounciation is different, but what of this?

"One the coast of Canaday"

Could that be a contraction of "Canada, eh?"
Could be, eh? Now go and steal me some fresh Timbits.