Singing Potatoes
Friday, 8 August 2003

A week ago, the elevator certificate in my building reached its five-year anniversary of being expired.

Hardly surprising; the building owner has had maintenance people out several times this year trying to fix the doors, which have a tendency to spring back open again as soon as they've closed, making it impossible to actually use the elevator. And there's no emergency phone, which I believe is required by the ADA. (Confounded dentists!)

Posted by godfrey (link)
Can you turn them in anonomously and earn a reward, kind of like the Crime Stoppers program?
If you remain anonymous, how will they know where to send the reward money?

I dunno - they do it on TV! "You can remain anonymous and receive a $$ reward." Are you telling me that TV lies?
TV never lies, and especially not when it is broadcasting commercials about tooth whiteners or political campaign coverage.
Oh good - I was beginning to get worried there for a sec. Thanks!
See, CNN is just now telling me Arnold Schwarzenegger is running against Larry Flynt. You can't make shit like that up. And even if you did, Ted Turner wouldn't touch it.
I also heard something about Gary Coleman possibly entering the race. That makes it even more surreal.

So far....Gary Coleman, Arnold, Larry Flynt, and Arianna Huffington.
So much for Democratic 'solidarity' by not opposing the recalled governor.

What is this "Democratic solidarity" thing you speak of? Hell, the Democrats make the post-Trotsky Communist party look like a united faction. The Republicans know how to stick together. Trying to get Democrats to agree on anything is like herding cats.
True. And it occurred to me (after I posted) that Arnie is a staunch Republican.

Yeah, but he's supposedly pro-choice, pro-something-else-liberal-I-forgot-the-specific-details-of and is married to Maria Shriver. So he's practically a Democrat. Except, you know, for the whole Republican thing.
Meh, the labels are meaningless these days. Republicans control both the White House and Congress, yet the spending bills keep passing and government keeps getting bigger. Eisenhower and Goldwater would be spinning in their graves if they knew what "conservatism" had become.

In fact, in his farewell speech, Eisenhower warned the nation against exactly what's been going on since 9/11.