Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 26 October 2006
This is what I have to work with.
Cup of Rum

We've got a new build of our software ready for testing. The release notes, purportedly an HTML file, was corrupt, full of binary data rather than HTML. Apparently only one file has changed in this build, and I have that, but since the release notes are corrupt, I'm worried about the integrity of that other file.

So I asked the L3 software engineer assigned to our program what the MD5 hash value of the file should be (since that's the easiest way to check to see if it's corrupt or not). He didn't know what that was or how to obtain it.

Now, the average computer user has no reason to know about md5sum. But a developer? A Level 3 software engineer? Inexcusable.

Posted by godfrey (link)
You are the only person there that knows what he's doing; in fact, you're the only one there that actually does work!