Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 12 February 2003
And this week on 'How to do it'...

Working in a court reporting office, I occasionally learn interesting bits of information which I probably wouldn't encounter elsewhere. For example, today I read this interesting exchange:

Q   Do you know how a seedless watermelon is created?

A   How it's created? Yeah.

Q   Okay. Can you explain that to me?

A   Triple the chromosomes inside the diploid seed cell, cross-pollinate with a family of reputable stats that you like to become a seed parent, pick out the diploid and the polyhaploids, tetraploid; regrow the tetraploid for the next season, which is your parent; cross that with a diploid, propagate the generations, you become tetraploid, tetraploid is your new seed parent, triploid is your seed offspring which is seedless.

Q   And how do you grow a seeded watermelon?

A   Throw it in the ground, water it, fertilize it, let the sun hit it.

Q   So it's much easier?

A   (Moving head up and down.)

As an aside, the court reporter said that the witness explained the method for creating a seedless watermelon in one breath.

Posted by godfrey (link)
I'm glad you are feeling better. BTW, I am desparately finding ways to encorperate the phrase "bidet of evil" into my daily vernacular.

Me, I'm working on "succu-bitch", and let me tell you, it ain't easy.