Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 5 September 2001
Morning sucks

Up way too early. I was really tired last night, so I decided I'd go to bed at 10 PM, rather than my usual 2 or 3 AM. After six hours, my body decided I'd had enough sleep. So here I am, wasting time by burning people to death with a giant magnifying glass and writing blog entries.

Not that it was that easy to start doing these things; when I got up, I decided to come and see if the name for the new Web site I'd built for someone had propagated to my portion of the Net yet. And my computer was dead. Again. (My motherboard is limping along on its last legs; its DMA is totally screwed up, so my machine crashes whenever I try to burn CDs, capture video, or play back low-compression video. And every so often, it just dies and won't turn on until I've pulled everything out and put it back together. Good thing Dubya condescended to toss me some pocket change.)

Jesus Christ. Mob violence erupts in Ireland because Catholic schoolchildren walk to school in a Protestant neighborbood. You'd think that, despite dogmatic differences, two groups of people who claim to follow a Messiah who taught tolerance, love and understanding would actually practice the beliefs they claim to hold. Or at least I would think that; I have no idea why the mere fact of being a Protestant or a Catholic should make someone want to throw a bottle into someone else's face and send her to the hospital, or threaten violence against children. This is how Christians "turn the other cheek"? Or "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"?

Ironically, it happened on the anniversary of Arkansas Governor Orval E. Faubus ordering his state militia to bar black students from attending a white high school in 1957. Wheee. Humanity just never improves.

Posted by godfrey (link)