Singing Potatoes
Saturday, 19 August 2006
Snakes! On a plane!
It Stinks!

Karen and I took a break after unpacking and painting to go see Snakes on a Plane. Apart from the rather ridiculous premise that a gangster would try to kill a murder witness by unleashing a crate of poisonous snakes onto a plane — rather than, say, just blowing the plane up — it wasn't bad for a typical summer popcorn flick. And I was pleased to note that I got most of the major plot points right, though it wasn't a King Cobra, and obviously William Shatner was not in the cast.

But an added bonus was the trailer for Tenacious D in 'The Pick of Destiny'. Clearly, it's not a movie for everyone: while Karen and I, both familiar with the oeuvre of JB and KG, laughed our way through the trailer; when it was over, though, a prim-sounding woman behind us sniffed, "I didn't think it looked that funny."

Posted by godfrey (link)