Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 6 November 2002

All over the Web, people are reading the blogs of NaNoWriMo participants and saying "I don't care about your stupid novel! Entertain me in your usual fashion!"

Fortunately, I doubt anyone is normally entertained by my blog, so I don't have to worry about that.

I forgot to bring lunch to work, so rather than going out and spending money on food, I stayed at my desk and banged out a few pages, bringing myself up to half the number of words I should have by now. Wheee!

It helped that I've been rehearsing the chapter in my mind for the past three days, so I was able to just let it flow (though one section which I hadn't planned on leapt unbidden from my fingertips. It seemed to work out pretty well, so I left it in). Another thing that may have helped was the PopCap game Word Shark, a typing speed-builder that was released in beta version a few weeks ago.

The first chapter of my novel remains unfinished; I'd reached a roadblock, so instead of trying to break through it today, I wrote the entire second chapter. The first three chapters (and the prologue) are all expository, primarily mise-en-scene and an introduction to the protagonists.

Hopefully it'll be worth reading when all is said and done. I'm wrestling with the idea of posting excerpts. As Milk and Cheese say, Could be bliss, could be death.

Posted by godfrey (link)
You're a far sight closer to the goal than me, sir. I have to try and catch up this week.