Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 14 July 2004
"World-Class Technical Support"
still working on your report from monday-

That would be heartening, except for one thing. The bug report contained a link to the problematic project, which I stored on my Web site instead of emailing it because it was a little big. And my Web server's access logs show that it hasn't been downloaded.

I wonder how they're working on it without the actual data that's causing a crash.

Somewhere in Vancouver, Washington, a pair of pants is on fire.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Look out, your you-know-what will be revoked!

Seriously, maybe they're just working on getting to it.
Or possibly working on preparing to get to it.

I suppose it's just as well; in the interim, I was able to find out more information about what's causing the memory leak, and add some stuff to the project file which will hopefully help them zero in on the problem.

(And it's one hell of a memory leak, too — I've got 1GB of physical memory and a 2.5GB swapfile, yet I can't render ten 9-pass 320x240 frames in succession because I run out of memory.)