Singing Potatoes
Sunday, 18 November 2001
Coat of arms

Yesterday, I decided to begin learning how to make woodcuts. I went to a woodworking shop, bought a chipping knife and two gouges, as well as five short boards of basswood (apple and pear not being available). After about nine straight hours, I put down the knife to pick up a gouge, and every joint from the tip of my thumb through my elbow suddenly contracted and locked. It took about ten minutes' worth of massaging until I could even move my thumb again.

I'm thinking that, in the future, some moderation would be wise.

The image above was the first woodcut I produced, before I'd practiced at all. It's extremely crude, admittedly, but I don't think it's too bad for a first, unlearnéd attempt. It's nowhere near the level of Albrecht Dürer, but I think it could hold its own against some of his predecessors' works.

It'll just take some practice. In moderation.

Posted by godfrey (link)