Singing Potatoes
Sunday, 27 February 2005
Ultra Mega MegaCon (part the second)

Last year, I went to MegaCon and hung out at the Hash booth, where I got to know a couple of the Hashes and met another Hash user (Hi, Elyssa!), all of whom were really cool.

I had fun, so I planned to go again this year — and then promptly forgot until around 12:15 yesterday morning — the day of the con (actually, it started Friday, but work interfered with that). D'oh! So I got a reasonably good night's sleep, then drove on down to Orlando.

Both the Hashes remembered me (James Hash spun around and shook my hand without even breaking stride in his demo), and I talked a bit with whoever was taking a break from demoing.

They were doing really well this year; there was a lot of interest in Animation:Master, and after a while I was pitching in by answering questions (I even made a couple of sales, including to one guy who rephrased just about every question in six or seven different ways, apparently because he didn't believe the answers). As thanks, they bought me dinner and gave me a set of their 2004 SIGGRAPH videos. (Why, why didn't I go to SIGGRAPH when it was in Florida? Apparently the closest it'll ever come again to Florida is Boston.)

Alas, no other Hash users showed up this year. C'est la vie.

I took a turn around the exhibitor floor looking for something for Karen, but didn't really find anything I thought she'd be interested in. There was a DVD booth across the aisle from Hash, and just as things were closing I decided I had to have the movie they'd had playing on one of their TVs all day ("Appleseed: The Movie"). It was cel-shaded computer anime; I have no idea what the plot was, but it was visually breathtaking.

I didn't see many frightening con attendees this year. The usual stormtrooper contingent (with two femtroopers), some Fetts (in both Boba and Django varieties), quite a few Sailor Moons (most of whom were actually Asian), and a lot of girls (and a couple of guys) wearing cat ears. I'm still not sure what that's all about. Furries, maybe? There were also a few cross-dressers (one of the con staff explained to the Hashes that it was an Orlando thing); one of them did a disturbingly good job; I honestly didn't realize it was a guy until I heard him speak. Oh yeah, and there was someone dressed as the Cookie Monster. Still not sure about that one.

Anyway, after dinner, the Hashes dropped me off at my car, back in the convention center lot. I actually spent about fifteen minutes trying to get out of the parking lot, as the only exit that didn't have those severe-tire-damage spikes poking up was festooned with signs reading "DO NOT ENTER". Finally, in frustration, I took the forbidden exit... and found myself in another lot with spikes at all the gates. So I parked and examined the spikes, and found that I could have driven over them, as they fold right down if you're exiting. Arrrgh.

The drive home was a bear, but I managed to stay awake by singing along to Me First and the Gimme Gimmes. My voice was shot by the time I got home, but at least I made it.

And now to watch the SIGGRAPH videos, as there are some techniques on there which will come in really handy for the next freelance job I'm doing.

Addendum: There was a Homestar Runner booth? Why the hell didn't I see it?

Posted by godfrey (link)
I'm terribly depressed I couldn't go this year. I REALLY wanted to ask James if he could make a VASE. ;) I must ask you, Jeff, was Hash in a better location this year? No screaming Anime voice over actor?
Yeah, it was in a great spot; all the immediate neighbors were comic book companies, so the demos could actually be heard. They drew quite a crowd all day long; they sold more copies yesterday than all of last year's show put together (when I got there, the pile of boxes was maybe three feet high; at the end of the day, there were two copies left).

(James showed off your entry from the Sequential Images contest, BTW. He now looks remarkably like Joseph Fiennes.)

Man, why don't they ever come to D.C.? (Don't suppose they showed off Soap Opera?)
As a matter of fact, I brought them the Director's Cut of Duck Sauce and Soap Opera, which James loaded into their "Show Videos" folder. They played Duck Sauce after a demo was finished, and then started to play Soap Opera ("Oh, wow," Heath said), but then some interested people came up and they killed the video to start a demo.

But hopefully they'll play the whole thing today.

He showed off my little cartoon rendered image!?! I can't imagination why? Only four people understood it or maybe he was in awe of my amazing modeling skills. Thanks for the info, glad to learn I was there in spirit. ;)
They did ask if I knew whether or not you were coming.