Singing Potatoes
Friday, 28 September 2001
Upon the premiere of Enterprise

Still digesting the premiere of Enterprise. It has so much potential; if only the producers would (a) hire a science advisor, to prevent blunders like making the Klingon homeworld 0.8 light-years from Earth, (b) hire a Trek geek who knows every series inside and out, to stamp out continuity errors (such as the plethora of easily-avoidable ones of which the premiere was full), and (c) get rid of that awful, awful theme song.

Oh, and actors portraying Vulcans should be told that "emotionless" is not equal to "expressionless" and "monotone". I was terribly disappointed by Gary Graham's performance as the Vulcan ambassador, because I know he can do so much better.

Posted by godfrey (link)