Singing Potatoes
Friday, 25 January 2008
Upon political discourse
Bucky bird

As reprehensible as many modern politicians are, at least the mud-slinging and backstabbing hasn't yet sunk back to the levels of beating an opponent into unconsciousness within the Senate chambers. Kind of makes Dick Cheney's "Go fuck yourself" seem rather ineffectual and unmanly by comparison, though. And perhaps if the possibility of grievous bodily harm on the Senate floor were commonplace, C-SPAN would enjoy a wider audience.

(As an aside, Wikipedia is really bad for my concentration. I found that entry while looking up gutta-percha, having run across the unfamiliar term in an 1874 journal of telegraph engineers. If I'm not careful, I could just follow Wikipedia links until my whole day's been shot...)

Posted by godfrey (link)
So I guess there's political precedent for crazy, violent rednecks.
Yeah. Though they've switched parties since those golden days of yore.