Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 10 April 2002
Just call us "The Commitments"

I'm in a band. We generally play Mediæval/Renaissance stuff, though lately we've branched out into other areas (such as "Jean" by The Pretenders, and some members want to bring in Steeleye Span and Santana songs).

And although every one of us plays on pieces we're not quite thrilled with, we suck it up and play them for the sake of the band.

Except if it's a piece I've brought in. For if even one person doesn't like one of my pieces, it goes in the trash. Does it matter that I don't care for "Jean", which contains exactly two chords in the piece and has nothing to do with what our band used to be about? No, it doesn't. We still play it.

This, to me, is an unfair dichotomy. And when I expressed my displeasure, one of the other members (not the guy who started the band, mind you) told me, basically, "Well, you can feel however you want about it, but that's the way it's going to be". Upon further inquiries, he said that they had liked the pieces I'd brought in, but my tastes were too far from the mainstream for anyone (including the band members) to enjoy the songs I want to do.

I've been unhappy with the situation in the band before, but this is the first time I've seriously considered leaving. I really don't need them in order to make music; I've got a room full of instruments and recording gear. And quite frankly, there's a whole world out there quite willing to treat me with contempt; I'm no longer going to take it from the people I call friends.

Posted by godfrey (link)