Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 19 July 2006

Something tells me that Stephen Notley, the creator of Bob the Angry Flower, is a fan of Doctor Who.

Speaking of Who, I really hate the 13-episode seasons. And the cast turnover rates. Well, at least there'll be Torchwood in October, to take up the slack until the next season starts.

In season two, I was hoping Anthony Stewart Head's character would turn out to be The Master. Maybe Jonathan Pryce in season three?

Posted by godfrey (link)
The funny thing is that Davies knew Eccleston was just going to be on for one series from the start because they wanted to demonstrate the regeneration process, and they confessed in the Confidential for Doomsday that they knew at the beginning of Series 2 that Billie Piper was leaving at the end of ther series because she told them.

FWIW, two Doctors isn't a bad turn for a companion, I think. It could've been worse; it could've been Peri.

I would've also loved to see Anthony Stewart Head come back as the Master, but they seem to be very intentionally holding off on playing with that character.

I have such a hard time seriously visualizing Jonathan Pryce as the Master after watching The Curse of Fatal Death.
It's exactly because of The Curse of Fatal Death that I think he'd do such a great job (in fact, my link is to a screencap from it). Even with all the camp, he made the best Master since Roger Delgado.

And I'll never understand actors. In interview after interview, I hear actors complaining about the cycle of auditions and worrying about where their next paycheck is coming from — and yet so many of them will leave a popular TV series (and a steady paycheck) in hopes of starting a movie career which just doesn't go anywhere.