Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 5 June 2003
Touchy relatives

One of my uncles recently started forwarding email jokes to everyone in his address book. Which, unfortunately, included me.

I detest mass-forwarded jokes; like off-topic "banter" on mailing lists, they fill up my mailbox with crap I'm not really interested in. With many mailing lists, there's the option of shutting off email delivery and reading the list online, to avoid the meaningless babble that increasingly passes for a social life in people who interact with others primarily through the Internet.

But with the joke-forwarders, unfortunately, you have to ask not to receive it. And no matter how politely you word it, the forwarders always seem to take offense.

How dare you reject me? reads the tone of their response, as though they slaved long and hard to come up with the unwanted jokes which, bearing the carets of forwarded emails, obviously didn't originate with them.

Quite frankly, forwarded jokes are non-communication. They don't tell me what's going on in your life, or anything about you other than the fact that you like jokes about dumb blondes and airline pilots. I don't want old jokes I've heard a dozen times before, I don't want "touching" poems or prayers — especially when they insist that I forward them further, inflicting their saccharine sentimentality on unsuspecting friends. And I sure as hell don't want yet another copy of "Life in the 1500's". And take that damned apostrophe out of there, while you're at it.

Even worse than the joke-forwarders, though, are the people who find "amusing" pictures, sounds or movies on the Internet, and mail them to you. Not links to the files, but the actual files themselves, clogging up your mailbox with megabytes of unrequested multimedia.

I knew one person who insisted on doing this, even after repeated requests to stop. One day, when my mail program churned away for half an hour to download an enormous .WAV file he'd sent (this was back when I still had a crufty old dialup connection), I'd had enough. I recorded a long .WAV file of me detailing pedantically the reasons why it was much better etiquette to send the URL of a file rather than the file itself, and then I mailed it to him.

A hundred times.

He got the message.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Lesson to all those out there: NEVER mess with Godfrey!
Knowing the recipient of that barrage as I do, he probably didn't get the message until after opening the 78th message.
Well, then there's my dad, who sends me

- forwarded "funny" Internet jokes (I've read the one about the Microsoft koans, dad. Really)
- forwarded "spiritual" messages (Remember that whole atheist/agnostic thing, dad? Not gonna be fixed by an email. Especially one that's been forwarded thirty times)
- forwarded political messages (he's crazy about some site called or something like that)

I HATE this clogging of my inbox, and he usually titles the emails so the "FW" is gone and I don't know to delete it, but I KNOW if I asked him to knock it off he would be hurt. PLUS, he views this as somehow ACTUAL COMMUNICATION, so he says "Why don't you ever answer my emails?"
So reply to his forwarded emails with forwarded emails of your own! If it's what he views as communication, it should keep him happy -- and if he complains about it, point out that it's what he's doing to you. ("Hey, I know you believe in 'do unto others as you would have them do unto you', so I figured that since you were sending me forwarded emails, that's what you wanted me to do.")

Yeah Moira, we'd be glad to provide all kinds of 'informational' e-mails you could forward to him.
I I I I I couldn't

i agree with you all completely--weekly, i get about 10 of the most retarded forwards (which i don't open), i almost wonder if my friend opens them before she even sends them. it is truly pissing me off--she NEVER actually writes me. so, i have stopped writing her....i'm willing to go with it as long as it takes, even though it's quite childish. like you all said, i know she'd take offense to me asking her not to forward them to me--i've let it go on too long without saying anything. WHY do people think this is okay?