Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 12 August 2008
Very nice.

When I've ordered something online, I have a tendency tend to obsessively track it on the delivery carrier's Web site. Which gets annoying when something sits at its first stop for three days, so as not to arrive early, heaven forbid.

I love how UPS never admits to being late with a package - if they should happen to fail to deliver it by the specified delivery date, the status changes from "In Transit - On Time" to "In Transit - Rescheduled".

"Oh, your package isn't late, sir. It's just been rescheduled."

Well, I suppose it could be worse. I could see "TRAIN DERAILMENT" in the status field...

Posted by godfrey (link)
We were a little worried because we made a giant purchase while in Vegas; a buffet that will serve as an entertainment unit. It is made from "retired" (100+ yr-old) coconut palm, in Fiji. After 16 weeks of waiting, Lisa got an email from FedEx confirming delivery this week. Delivery of an ashtray. Luckily the buffet is being delivered Roadway, apparently in a crate, like out of Gilligan's Island.
It seemed like a much better idea when I had a job.
That would be one big ashtray!

I keep getting delivery notices for things I've never ordered - with "please open the attached file and print it for confirmation" viruses attached.

Post pics of your buffet when you get it; sounds interesting.