Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 18 November 2003
Pictures from the trip

I've put a few of the pictures here. More to come, possibly, but these are the best of them.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Thanks for the photos - especially nice to see Ange and Michelle again.
RE: Superman vs. Ali...I think that's Kevin Smith next to Jimmy Carter in the foreground watching the fight.
It's probably not Kevin Smith, who was about eight years old when the issue was published. There are about 170 famous people in the crowd, according to an interview with the artist (though some of them received moustaches and different hairstyles when the people decided they didn't actually want to be on the cover).

Ya know, I'd swear that sculpture is a Chiuhully (not sure how you spell that)....there's a v similar one, although white not blue, in Benaroya Hall 2 blocks away from my office.