Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 23 April 2003
Overheard on the Elevator

Businessman 1: ...just have to invade more countries if we ever want to see the Rapture in our lifetime.

Businessman 2: Don't you think it's kind of egotistical to think we can even predict His Divine Plan, let alone influence it?

Businessman 1: It's not a "prediction", it's a prophecy. And the people who are versed in the prophecies all agree that war in the Middle East will trigger it.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Christians, ah yes, I'm afraid the Jews were right.
I think what disturbs me the most is the implication that "it's okay to go slaughter Middle Easterners so we can take our rightful place in Heaven".

Whatever happened to "Thou shalt not kill"?

Oh. My. God. Who is not the same god as the one to whom they are referring, apparently. I don't know if this is the same conversation you told me about or a new one, either way, frightening.
No, this one happened today.

Perhaps they can help Ken's brother with the minestry in France.


(Lunchbo, this is derogatory towards Ken's brother and the idiots, not the French.)
Calvin is one of the old gods, however, and requires many sacrifices.
I am soooooooooo glad I don't work at my old job anymore and therefore don't have to listen to the born-again Christian computer support tech drop by to talk to the Jehova's Witness who sat next to me about how 9/11 signalled the coming of End Times.
The silliest thing about all this is that the Rapture "interpretation" has no basis in the Bible. In fact, it's a recent (early 20th century) invention. But everyone who believes it either doesn't know that or willfully supresses it, since it hurts their case so much. (see, search for "Left Behind," and listen to the second interview of the day, for references.)