Singing Potatoes
Friday, 5 July 2002
Only skin deep

I've started making Medal of Honor skins for the participants in Nerdvana. Unlike Deus Ex, there are several different head types in MOHAA, so I should be able to make the digital characters look a little more like their real-life counterparts.

Although, for some reason, my skin looks like a cross between Arnold J. Rimmer and Cary Elwes.

I find it slightly disturbing that the one in the Nazi uniform looks more like me. Yet it's the same exact head model, and the same exact image map, so it shouldn't look different. Oh well.

At least the German version has taught me one thing: Jodhpurs look absolutely ridiculous on me, and I should never, ever, wear them.

Now that I think about it, why jodhpurs? Did the Nazis do a lot of horseback riding? Were immense thighs considered attractive in Germany at that time? Was their uniform designer actually trying to make them look stupid?

I guess I'll never know.

Posted by godfrey (link)