Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 15 April 2004
An Exchange

"What did you do to your foot?"

"Well, I was in the semifinals of the Florida Black Belt Karate competitions, and tried to break too many boards at once."


"No, not really; it just sounds cooler than 'I broke my toe tripping over the laundry.'"

Unfortunately, I couldn't keep a straight face while telling the lie, otherwise I might have gotten away with it.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Reminds me of whenever I visit a shark conference with my wife, and I choose a million different jobs depending on which scientist I'm talking to:

"I'm an independent contactor for a top-secret government agency."

"I'm a graduate student in quantum physics."

"You know the guy who cleans up after the elephants in the circus? Well..."

Unfortunately, in my case it's the wife who can't keep a straight face.