Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 22 July 2003
Unclear on the concept

The most recent hit on this weblog was someone asking Yahoo, "how do you spell vuala". This, of course, is an immensely illogical question. How is the search engine supposed to know what word you're looking for unless you spell it properly? It's not only illogical, it's as absurd as someone telling you to look up the word in the dictionary — since in order to find the word, you have to at least have a rough idea how it's spelled (which might be okay for a word like "hat", but just try looking up "pneumatic" or "mnemonic" if you don't know what letters they begin with).

In this instance, though, perhaps it wasn't so absurd — because one of my earlier rants actually provided the answer to this particular question.

Posted by godfrey (link)