Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 6 September 2006
I have been remiss
Smile Time!

Soap Opera won "Best Animated Film" at the Idaho Panhandle International Film Festival! I knew about it earlier, but I was waiting for it to go up on the site. And it turned out I was looking in the wrong place. And when I was looking in the right place, I missed it the first time because the award sponsor's names are about eleventy billion times bigger than the film titles.

But anyway, yeah. Go us!

Posted by godfrey (link)
Ha! Thanks for tracking that down. I had given up.

Remember, it's not just the Best Animated Film--it's the Sandpoint Realty Best Animated Film!
Hell yeah! I can now say I know somebody who has the words "Best" and "Film" officially associated with them.

Congratulations Zach! We at IPIFF were pleased to screen and award your film.

You are right, on some computers apparently the sizing is different so I will adjust that. But also remember, without Sandpoint Realty and our other sponsors, which we paid with ample BIG exposure, there would be no IPIFF and no awards!

We look forward to seeing whatever you cook up next!
