Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 6 November 2003

For some reason, the news is full of stories about "Hogwarts Headache", a malady apparently caused by reading the increasingly thick Harry Potter novels. The story I caught tonight on the TV news advised that children should take periodic breaks from reading, in order to minimize the risk of getting a headache.

I find this incomprehensible. When I wasn't glued to my computer, I spent nearly all my free time in childhood with my nose stuck in a book. I read while I ate breakfast; on the bus on the way to and from school; in class; while navigating the hallways between classes; after school. Sometimes I even read while watching TV. And never once did it give me a headache.

In fact, I've never even heard of people getting headaches from reading, until just recently. What is wrong with children these days, that just reading gives them a headache?

And as an aside, I find it annoying that "read" serves as both present and past tense.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Sometimes I even read while watching TV

I still do today. I did get headaches as a kid, but that had to do with my poor vision. With eyeglasses, no headaches. Maybe these kids' eyes aren't as adjusted to moving along so many lines of print?
In my day, we didn't get headaches from reading books. We got headaches from chopping wood! Kids! I don't know what's wrong with these kids today!

My biggest problem with reading too much is that I sometimes deny myself sleep because I can't stop reading. I can get a headache from lack of sleep, but never from a good book.
I get a headache from children who aren't reading.
Never got a headache, but I would get carsick from reading in the car. I did it anyway though. I also once walked into a pole while reading and walking. Go me!
Ha, I used to do that reading-and-walking thing too. That was fun.
Luckily I've never gotten a headache from reading. That would ruin one of my favorite escapes.