Singing Potatoes
Wednesday, 19 May 2004
The down side of having a Web site

I just received a monolithic paranoid rant from this guy, about purported attempts on his life. It's clear (no pun intended) from the topic of his screeds — both the email he sent me and that Web page — why he sent it to me.

Normally I wouldn't mention it, but this person actually seems crazier than the Timecube guy. And that's quite a feat.

Posted by godfrey (link)
What--you mean the CoS hasn't threatened your life? It happens to me almost daily.

Speaking of which, I just ran across an interesting paragraph here, in the article about the cult's attempt to draw in more musicians and artists:

Finally, it's my turn. I play lead guitar while a man with his baby in tow works some bluesy riffs. Then, a Rasta-phony-an dude wearing a camouflage jacket with the letters H*A*S*H on it enters and says he just wants to sing some things that come off the top of his head. Marcus plays guitar, another gentleman plays a drum and I man the bongos.

Wonder if that was anyone we know?

"The Word World", imposed by the academic institutions, is synonymous with the Matrix's induced "Dream World".
That almost makes sense to me. Damn the Word World!
You actually managed to read some of that? I couldn't get through a complete sentence without my eyes glazing over to protect me from the idiocy.