Singing Potatoes
Monday, 21 April 2003
Band Names

One of the files on my PDA is a list of "good band names", in the spirit of Dave Barry, consisting of phrases culled from various conversations. Here's the list so far:

  1. Wet Onions
  2. Jeep Full of Klingons
  3. Traitor to the Tree People
  4. Minimal Boot
  5. Howling Clams
  6. Bone Basket
  7. Unforgiving Porcelain
  8. Amaretto Head
  9. Brown Eye (opening for Dirty Wink)
  10. Crucial Pickle
  11. Electic Longjohns
  12. Suet Pudding
  13. Exquisite Asparagus
  14. Meat Biscuit
  15. Nickel Seegar
  16. Unexplained Bacon
  17. Flaccid Pickle
  18. Beer, Pussy and Mullets
  19. Bone Folder
  20. Ass Rocket
  21. Citrus Trumpet
  22. Mitten Beagle
  23. Symposium Dowel
  24. Meatspace
  25. Velour Cat
  26. Left Cheek Sneak
  27. Dread Scott
  28. Blood Oaf
  29. Rockin' Minerals
  30. Snapper Bath
  31. Suck Mug
  32. Asshat
  33. Sinister by Association
  34. Flouring Eggplant
  35. Artificial Sympathy
  36. Burning Cheese
  37. Thornade
  38. Illegal Dentistry
  39. Squash Puppies
  40. Vinyl Gazebo
  41. Remarkable Feculence
  42. Dildosmith
  43. The Traditional Fishmongers
  44. Thelonious Punk
  45. Sky-Diving Hebrews
  46. Secret Sack (first album: The Undiscovered Ball)
  47. Machine Carnivore
  48. Deep Flaming Apricot

Interesting, in retrospect, how many of them involve food. Thanks to Karen, Sev, Lisa, Brian, Sid, Carlos and whoever else's utterances showed up here.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Some of these would be great names for blogs as well.
meatspace isn't taken? my god! I give it a year.

Ones I came up with and like alot:
Shifty Burros
Vegas Pagans
Plithoris (a plethora of clitoris)
Homogenized Spooge
Stanky Crevice

OOOOHHH and of course...

Sufferin' Succatash!
Would the plural of clitoris be clitorii? And where does one get a plethora of them?
Inquiring minds want to know!
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